At Caprine and Ewe Veterinary Consulting we are life-long learners; we are curious, passionate and downright nerdy about veterinary medicine, small ruminant production and reproduction. Each year we attend a variety of continued education opportunities to ensure that we are offering our clients the most up-to-date, efficient, effective and scientifically sound management techniques and treatments. You can find a list of our favorite events below. Many of these courses/workshops/events are open to producers, and if you would like to learn more please visit their website or reach out to us for more information.

Small Ruminant Embryo Transfer & LAP AI Training Course | AASRP

June 7 - 10, 2023, The Ohio State University School of Veterinary Medicine

This training, hosted by the OSU School of Veterinary Medicine and put on by the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners, brought together veterinary reproductive experts to put small ruminant veterinarians through an intensive course in the anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and surgery involved in laparoscopic AI, embryo flushing and transfer.

Western Veterinary Conference | Viticus Group

February 19 - 22, 2023, Las Vegas NV

Dr. Melissa and Sam spent four days attending small ruminant and mixed-practice focused continued education workshops/lectures at this premier veterinary conference.

Small Ruminant Field Necropsies | Syracuse, NY
Dr. Mary Smith

October 6, 2022

Dr. Mary Smith, a trailblazer for women in veterinary medicine and long-time ambulatory practitioner led a wet-lab on performing necropsies on small ruminants in the field.

Goat Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Workshop | Syracuse, NY
Betsy Hodge, Dr. Fauna Smith & Brandon Snyder

October 5, 2022

A veterinarian, veteran dairy-goat breeder and caprine genetic-technologies expert offered instruction on dairy goat reproductive anatomy and physiology, available reproductive drugs, how they work and their role in AI. Participants then participated in a hands-on workshop learning how to use AI equipment to inseminate goats provided by host herds.

2022 ADGA National Convention | Syracuse, NY

October 1 - 7, 2022

The ADGA Annual Convention serves as both the yearly convention for the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) and the ADGA Annual Meeting. It is held each October or November and the location is determined one to two years in advance by ADGA Annual Meeting Long Range Committee.

Apart from the association meeting, the week is filled with educational seminars, The American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners (AASRP) programming, educational workshops, multiple youth events and hands-on events such as cheese making and AI seminars.

Birth Management for Sheep & Goats | Michigan State University Extension

January 4, 11, 17 & 25, 2022

The MSU Small Ruminant Extension team led participants through a combination of presentation and hands-on activities about preparing for lambing/kidding, assisting with birth, and postnatal care. Participants learned preventative management approaches and assessment skills, as well as treatment procedures. Both novice and veteran producers alike will find this program valuable. Topics covered included: nutritional management, use of ultrasound, facility design, newborn care, hypothermia treatment, grafting, vaccination protocols, mortality diagnoses, health and feeding program assessment.

Artificial Insemination Workshop | Tucson, AZ
Dr. Lee Ann Fosdick

November 11 & 12, 2021

Two days of instruction from long-time dairy goat breeder and veterinarian, Dr. Lee Ann Fosdick. Included lectures on dairy goat reproductive anatomy and physiology, available reproductive drugs, how they work and their role in AI. Participants then participated in a hands-on workshop learning how to use AI equipment to inseminate goats provided by host herds.

2021 ADGA National Convention| Tucson, AZ

November 8 - 14, 2021

The ADGA Annual Convention serves as both the yearly convention for the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) and the ADGA Annual Meeting. It is held each October or November and the location is determined one to two years in advance by ADGA Annual Meeting Long Range Committee.

Apart from the association meeting, the week is filled with educational seminars, The American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners (AASRP) programming, educational workshops, multiple youth events and hands-on events such as cheese making and AI seminars.